Need a cute, but kind of creepy face to add to your annual pumpkin carvings? I have prepared not one, but TWO easy to use Mish themed pumpkin carving templates for you!

I've done the work of drawing, testing, and adapting the template for ease of use (you can see the difference between the photographed templates above, and the final templates below). All you have to do is print them out, follow the instructions on the template, and get to carving!
(Click templates to print full size.)
The mouth was intentionally left out, so you can add some variety to your faces. Try an "o" face, a pouty lip, or even a classic jack 'o lantern smile like I did on mine!
Don't forget to share your pumpkins with me by using the hashtag #mishesonpumpkins . I can't wait to see what you come up with!
***Templates are for personal use only, do not reproduce. See FAQs for copyright details.***